General Stanley McChrystal. Suicide mission? Or balls of steel? Now has them pinned to the wall by a pissed off El Presidente. I like the reaction from the White House. Swift and with an injection of testosterone, the muscle flexing left no doubt who was in charge. I have to admit, though, in a sick perverse way, the General let it fly and said things that well, I have dreamed of (many, many times): unleashing, a virtual firestorm, on weak groundless leaders. Jaw dropping, yes. Brutally skewing in the kind of grunt level sarcasm learned from years of trench toiling under pie-in-the-sky civilian administrators who have unrealistic expectations and water cooler diplomacy. You betcha. How did we in the real world survive? By dodging orders and doing it our way. No big surprise. Unless you're in the military and 'only following orders,' or you are the four star general who publicly goes ape in Rolling Stone (I find that a misnomer) for the whole world to read. I get that the General is frustrated. Being on a leash is tough. It's a piss-pot of a war, and we should be outta there. Guys are dying and Washington wants restraint. Let the Afghans go back to their poppy fields. The Iraqs back to whatever. And bring the boys home. Interestingly, Stan and his buddies like Hillary (who knew?), leaving her unscathed in the article, because she supports his efforts on the front lines. On a jet bound for Washington, and 1. soon to be taken to the wood shed by our elected leader, or 2. dropping on his sword while the whole world watches, at this time next week the General could be pushing papers in the USA or sitting on his front porch staring off into the distance watching the dandelions grow.