Tomorrow is donut day: an allowance of one weekly treat/ jail break/ wallowing in the dark side, whatever, Friday. All things fried are fair game. Sometimes I do not stray off the wholly foods path. Other times, I'm little 'Elvis' face first in bacon grease. Lately, I've been on the party carousel: pizzas, chocolate cake, Amy's orange cake, breakfast eggs ahoy, a jean dway (fried sesame ball filled with sweet black or yellow bean paste) here and a jean dway, slobber, there...it feels soooo good to be channeling Bourdain every now and then. Enough of the, uh, dribble. Onto the business of predictions. In gambling terms, they're known as 'futures.' On Sunday, the immediate future, the 83rd Academy Awards will be distributed. The following is for entertainment purposes only:
Best Picture...it's a toss up between The King, and the shallow boy genius. Age always trumps youth...long live the King.
Best Actor...King Colin Firth.
Best Actress...interesting category. Annette Bening should have won for 'Being Julia.' Natalie Portman is the lead in the 'sexy' pic this year. Jennifer Lawrence as Ree in Winter's Bone towered over everyone. When they crack the envelope it's Natalie Portman because Hollywood forgives Queen Amidala.
Best Supporting Actor...John Hawkes (Deadwood fame) was sensational in Winter's Bone. However, the King's man will win, Geoffrey Rush.
Best Supporting Actress...Hailee Steinfeld is only 13 years old. And gets my vote. But, Melissa Leo from the Fighter ko's everyone.
Best Director...second verse same as the first: King vs shallow boy genius.
The hardware goes to Tom Hopper, as the Brits sack Hollywood and fly gleefully off into the night. Pass the plate of donuts please, and will the lovely Helena Bonham Carter ever feel the sweepstakes love?