1. The first GF had a thing for Austrians. So, in the summer of love, in the city of love, I went to see 'Fahrenheit 451' directed by the great Francois Truffaut with the iconic Julie Christie, and the great Austrian actor, Oscar Werner. I had not read the Bradbury book; I was a heady English major churning out volumes of papers, cutting classes to engage in clandestine sex with the GF, flunking Shakespeare, and inhaling the Height Ashbury rapture. Sci-Fi was Teflon. Nothing ever stuck to your brain. As the lights came up in the theater,I made a mental note to check out Ray Bradbury's novels.
Book burnings, listless societies, and rogue anti-establishment groups hunkered down in the forest literally pulping the words to memory, tweaked my internal chords. Today out and about whether it's in my 'hood,' or other environs, I can't help but notice the virtual disconnect of people around me: the population mesmerized, lost in their hand held devices. Eyes downcast, and squinting. Everyone seems only there, and not really here. The delicious art of cafe sipping and scanning (a serious art form best enjoyed behind a pair of dark reflective glasses) is fading away. In '451,' society is emotionless and complacent. A flat screen at home, the only source of entertainment. I confess I love my ear buds and would never fly without being hitched to my music. And I've got a 'droid. But, the next time you're out, my friends, count the number of people staring not at the magical surroundings, but at their electronic devices. Paper burns at Fahrenheit 451; at the end of Truffaut's film, if I could have chosen one book to memorize, it would have been T.H. White's 'The Once and Future King.' Tempered by the passing of years I'd also include, Marion Zimmer Bradley's, 'The Mists of Avalon.'
2. In the city the other day. Went to my favorite truck, Donna's Tamales. For a visit and a couple of tubs of tapioca which is so good it's criminal! Seriously. Vegan. Made with maple syrup, coconut milk and other killer ingredients. Can't get enough of that. But, alas, no Shirley and Donna. Lemme know when you're back.
3. Is it me? Or is this a lackluster summer blockbuster year. Super 8. Old school entertainment. Harry. A smashing wrap. Uh, but that's a long time between those 2 drinks.
4. Keith Richards, 'Life.' And George F Martin's, 'A Dance with Dragons.' Great summer reads.