1. Orlando Cruz, a featherweight boxer of Puerto Rican descendant, with a record of 18-2-1 called a 'presser' last week and declared his homosexuality. Cruz, 31, said he wanted to be true to himself, and
to be a good role model for youth who were interested in pursuing a boxing career. In a sport which thrives on machismo and mano a mano chest thumping, Cruz is the first 'active' pugilist to come out; he has said, 'I always will be a proud Puerto Rican, and I have always been and will always be a proud gay man.' In some circles, those are considered fighting words. But Orlando Cruz's courageous statement left no doubt...bring it on.
2. After Mitt laid the whoop ass on el Presidente last week, and left the donks nervously scratching their heads at the passive (um, did he really just mail it in?) embarrassing exhibition, ol' Uncle Joe climbed into the ring last night, slapped on the gloves, and put some emphatic smak down. Energetic, animated, obnoxiously smirking at the bull that was dropping from Ryan's lips, Joe Biden went old school on Ryan mixing body blows and an assortment of right crosses . On taxes, medicare, and foreign policy, down went Ryan. On abortion, straight to Ralph Kramden's moon. Biden, avoiding verbal gaffes, was a feisty man on a mission. Combative debate, that's what I'm talking about! And the moderator, Martha Raddatz of ABC news was a breath of fresh air. A woman amongst the boyz. Bring her back.