2. The Nene. Official state bird of Hawaii is a relative of the Canadian Goose. Apparently on the big island of Hawaii there have been a rash of lead footed drivers pasting Nene into fresh road kill. How do you not see a gray goose crossing the road?
3. Brad Pitt and Chanel No. 5. So so wrong. Lose the hair, and study Charlize Theron for Dior, or Catherine Deneuve your predecessor.
4. I grew up with the scent of Chanel No. 5 trailing through the house. That was the only perfume my mother wore, and she wore it everyday. Every single day. To work. To church. To the grocery store. She never ventured out without dabbing her wrists or neck. I remember buying one of my aunts a bottle of Faberge for Christmas. It was cheap and I was young. Later, after I graduated from college, I bought my mother a small bottle of Chanel No. 5. After she died, I could still detect the No. 5 embedded and drifting up like a ghost from the leather seats of her car...the perfume will always be associated with Alyce; the good, the gracious, and at times, the bad. There were many moments in my past when the mere hint of Chanel No. 5 raised the hair on my misbehaving head. So, get it right, Brad.
5. Hostess, toast yesterday, like the roach might live to bake another day. Settle up with your crew, you turkeys, and keep churning the twinks.