Friday, September 21, 2012

"Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, no it's...'

1. Oh, the things you do for love. I never cease to amaze myself. Laid up with a self diagnosed broken toe which I down graded to sprained after the swelling subsided, the very toe  I broke in college by kicking a foot stool after I was denied a pass to some squirrely event, the only bone that I've ever broken in my bod, why, why, why now...jeezuz H. How it happened is a detail I care not to divulge. After icing and elevating for 7 days, I rose up for Friday and tradition. Toe taped and hobbling, I drove to my clandestine donut shop and plated the granulated nugget on my Graceland hardware. While enjoying the fruits of my cardiac no-no,  I evidently missed the space shuttle, Endeavour, flying overhead. And so it goes.

2. Psy. Gangnam style. Is there anyone hotter in the known universe now? If you haven't seen the Korean phenom, you gotta you tube. All the talking heads are gushing, Ellen has swivel hipped it several times, the Today show aped the moves, ESPN dudes are agog, and last night, one of the NY Giants after scoring a TD went 'Gangnam' in the end zone. As soon as I'm off my the couch, it'll be 'Gangnam' time.

3. Sea Wolf. Alex Brown Church. A long long time ago, he was the first kid I ever hung with; he took the mystery out of face time for me.  Indie recording artist, son of Susan and Robin, moving right along, my props to you.

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