The scourging at the pillar (Catholic or Christian) is not quite Station of the Cross material, but it's an event that is dramatized around the world during Easter.
Excluding the Singapore caning of the American teen who was found guilty of vandalism in 1994, the recent headlines have publicized the story of Lubna Hussein and 12 of her gal pals who have all been sentenced to 40 lashes for wearing pants to a cafe in Sudan. Most of the women were flogged several days later at the police station. Lubna is taking her case to court in an effort to strike down this law, which is arbitrarily enforced. After some digging I found that the Roman courts deemed 40 lashes the undertaker's ticket in flogging. Christ received 39 lashes from Pilate. The belief was that 40 was reserved for well you know, serious crimes, (flashing forward) like wearing pants in public. Away from prying eyes, women are traditionally doled out their lashes in private. Gender inflicted punishment under the guise of a religion or a culture is unacceptable and barbaric; when the world out there gets this right, women will be able to freely choose the burka or pants, and to walk unshackled in public. Don't hold your breath, though.
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