Santa's now over South Africa. This is uh, an eggnog fact. At this rate if you don't have a lump of coal in your stocking, you can expect, the Santas (flying on boxes of nodoz) of the world to deliver to 887 children every couple of seconds just to make your rooftop by daybreak. While the presto yule log glows in the fireplace here is my list of the best movies of 2009. On top of the heap stands Kathryn Bigelow for bringing it in 'The Hurt Locker.' In no particular order after that is:
'An Education' because the Brits know complicated drama; 'Inglorious Bastards,'QT's own particular vision of a vengeful moment in WWII; 'Ponyo,' from the national treasure, Hayao Miyazaki; 'Public Enemy' by the neon one, Michael Mann, with Johnny Depp in a stylized gansta movie; 'Up in the Air' George Clooney's vehicle. Really? Vera Farmiga was Clooney's equal and brought it too; 'Broken Embraces,' film noir Spanish style by Pedro Almodovar with a ravishing Penelope Cruz (the color is sensational); 'Avatar' James Cameron's ode to the childhood matinee which left you gaping at the big screen as it swept you away to another world. Good tidings to all of you out there.
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