1. When I was involved as a booster for Cal Women's basketball program there were very specific rules that were laid out as to what the NCAA considered improprieties in dealing with college athletes. For example, picking up the check in a restaurant is a no-no. Providing the use of an automobile, verboten. Freebies to community events? Sorry. Invitations to frolic at your summer home? In your dreams. Discounted meals? Out. Lowered rent? Out. In other words, no discounts of any kind. No b'day gifts. No valentines. Etc. Etc. Carved in stone at the top of the NCAA list are these hallowed words: May not give them cash or loans of any kind. Reggie Bush violated the cardinal rule. Rule 1. He was the recipient of cash, cars, a spanking new house for his parents, loans blah blah blah. Talk trash all you want about the agent that led him down temptation road. The finger of blame points directly at Reggie, and his football coach. There was always something pompous and squirrely about Pete Carroll as he paced the sidelines in Berkeley's Memorial stadium. Bear fans were always gleeful at the thought of kicking USC's ass. Feeling the flames, Carroll ejected before the bonfire. No big surprise. Way to go man. Reggie Bush and his record breaking years have been wiped out by USC. Trophies and jersey removed from school display cases. Persona non grata. Shamefully disowned. Uh, give back the Heisman, Reggie. Before you're asked. Or don't you care about your college years now that you have a Superbowl ring?
2. The donks vs the elephants. It's a virtual tie in the polls. If this were a boxing match, Boxer and Brown would be behind in points. Whitman and Fiorina have surged in the polls. Call it apathy. Economic blow back. Whatever. There's something happening here in Cali. The donks need to lose the bullet proof mentality. Bill Clinton is campaigning vigorously in Arkansas for candidates. SOS to Pennsylvania Ave. Whither Barack? Enough of the 'rope-a-dope.' Time to get medieval.
3. On Saturday, 9/11, my niece, Iz, turns 13. Her birthday is a beautiful beacon on a reflective solemn date.
:) I am gonna have Izzy read this.