1. In SF on an over nighter; heavy fog spritzing over head walking from the house to the car, fog horn in the distant like the good ol'college/hipster days. It piqued the senses for a newyawkminute and then it was gone. Proust's madeline poised eloquently, but in this twitchy, multi-tasking world I lost sight and dropped the night shade. There is something to be said for bedside reading material. Tucking in with a zrytec-wine combo to slay the dragon, I flipped, drooled, flipped, through a 2007 Saveur issue dedicated, my vegetarian friends, to the glories of beef, starting with the explorations of a Montana ranch and culminating in a gorgeous savory plated spread...broiled, roasted, skewered, and sauced of the aforementioned industry. Hung over from that 'zine, I woke up...a lumberjack craving carb stacks. It would have been lovely if I had walked to Tartine's and fallen face first into 4,000 calories, but I was early and they were closed. Frack! I had to wait an excruciating 10 minutes for the effing opening. Cruel and unusual punishment so early in the morning. Ye gods, I could smell the butter and the flour laced with chocolate wafting...should I buy one or should I buy two pain au chocolats? And after I eat that flaky piece of heaven where do I go from there? Back to earth? Not so fast. Sometimes indulging the dark side is good. Sometimes, stepping back into the shade enhances perspective. Somewhere out there today, is a butcher wrapped parcel with my name on it. The sound I just heard, was my sister, the enlightened one in England, hurling.
2. The 60 Minute expose of Greg Mortenson, author of '3 Cups of Tea.' Sensational headlines implying duplicity etc etc. I'm reminded of this quote from David Lean's 'Lawrence of Arabia...' Mr. Dryden: "If we've told lies, you've told half lies,and a man who tells lies like me, merely hides the truth, but a man who tells half lies has forgotten where he's put it."
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