1. It's all about the chicks today. Jill Costello is at the head of the parade. But first, a historical back track. Several decades ago, I partnered up with a member of the Cal Women's Crew. I who had grown up in a world populated by boxing, football, and basketball had no frame of reference for crew. What in the world? Once in Cambridge, Mass, I saw teams skimming the St. Charles. Lovely in their synchronization, a lapsing memory. Until, I became involved in the girl friend's world. Rapidly I learned that all crew members were tall. Got height? Studs. Muscular, with shoulders, and wing spans that whats-his-face, the German swimmer, the one they called the albatross would penis envy. And then I learned this. That the cog or the dawg that drove the boat was small of stature, sat facing the crew and barked the cadence. Revved the stroke. Navigated victory. At punishing blistering warp speed. Or not. Coxswains. That's cox to you. I've met only one. And years later I nick-named her the 'little general.' But, this is not about her, it's about Jill Costello. The cox of the Cal Women's crew team. 2010 Pac 10 champions. Her story is so powerful it should be a required pre-req for any young girl interested in sports: http://search.espn.go.com/jill-costello/
2. The 'Gay Girl in Damascus' blog. Legit? Or hoax? News sources are investigating.
3. Kristen Stewart. MTV movie awards...edgy mini red leather dress studded with safety pins and in true alternative fashion wearing slip-on Vans to stage hop hard-ware. KStew as Joan Jett in 'The Runaways.' Stream it.
4. Reese. Generational MTV award. Best film never seen by anyone: Freeway. A cult classic.
5. Game of Thrones. On HBO. British blond Emilia Clarke who plays Daenerys Targaryen. On deck to kick some serious Middle kingdom ass.
I, too, love the film Freeway.