1. Drawn away by personal matters, on the flight over to the islands, Talking Heads, The Commitments, Bob Wills and the Stones masking the turbo jet drone...damn, the food
was miserable. I have been known to frequent dives for a meal, but the sammie that was served wasn't fit for a dog kennel. On the other hand, this was the airline's 1st offense. Slacking my hunger with liquids, and sleep, I woke to spangled turquoise water and Diamond Head rising over the cluttered famed shoreline like an old familiar friend, a sentinel, hovering over 'the gathering place.' 89 degrees out. Wipe that smile off your face. Where are my slippas?
2. Leaves are turning. A slight snap in the air. Fall isn't just about the vaunted NFL or Division I NCAA conferences. They're chucking the ball all over the land. After school and under Friday night lights, it's happening now, baby. Telly ratings soar as football smaks baseball out of the prime time zone. This year the 'Ripley's Believe it or Not' story spiraled out of Pinckney Community High School in Michigan. Tradition dictates that at half time the students crown their homecoming queen. This year, the queen, Brianna Amat, #12 in shoulder pads and cleats, ran out of the Pinckney locker room and was crowned with a tiara. Brianna who tried out for the football team in the spring on the recommendation of her soccer coach made the squad as the field goal kicker. On 'Coronation' night, her team trailing 7-6, playing a rival ranked 7th in the state, with five minutes left in the game...uh, No fear. Brianna, 31 yards away, split the uprights. You think they tore down the goal posts at Pinckney, and hoisted the homecoming queen off the field?
3. Alabama. Sweet home not. WTF? In effect immediately after Judge Sharon Lovelace Blackburn ruled and upheld the strongest immigration law in the country. Thousands of Hispanics have begun mass exodus to border states.
4. A penny for your thoughts after listening to Mozart's 'Requiem' in flight.
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