1. Jeeeeezuz. Last night I got Tebowed; I took the J-e-t-s to go gang green all over Denver. In the last 5 minutes, of one of the sorriest played NFL games, Tebow's passes were pitiful, and Sanchez, the J-e-t-s QB, regressing dramatically, (what do you expect he went to USC) the Denver Tebows drove 95 yards to win the game. Again. How is that possible? The legend continues.
2. The nation wide 'Occupy' movement finally got those apathetic Cal students up off their collective duffs and into Sproul. The UCPD slyly shadowing the inept political response to the 'Occupy Oakland' activists unleashed batons on students in a disturbing Bull Connorish assault. WTF? The image of the University took a nose dive, and only enraged and galvanized principles. This is....Berkeley. They do revolutions.
3. Pumpkins. Lucky devils. I baked 3 sugar pie candidates to use in breads and uh, well, pies. The affable orange squash is one of the great seasonal pleasures; in my own private idaho: Half Moon Bay, the land o'pumpkins, never gets old or storied. The magical fields run down to the ocean in slick digital orange profusions.
4. On the 30th Anniversary of Natalie Wood's death, she was the straw that stirred James Dean's drink in 'Rebel without a Cause,' the LAPD have re-opened the circumstances surrounding her death. I always thought there was something shady about her accidental drowning.
5. The 114th Big Game. Cal vs Stanford down on the Farm. Let this be swift and painless. Go Bears.
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