1. Ok, I confess. As a kid I split the cookie apart. Ever so gently so that the middle didn't crack. I placed the halves face up on the table (who needs a plate) exposing the oval coating of
white icing, the plump magical sugary goodness, and scraped that mother off with my pearly teeth. The dunk was for donuts. We didn't need no stinking milk. Manufactured in Chelsea, New York city, in 1912, the oreo turned 100 today, surviving 'lard' gate, and 'hydrogenated oil' gate. Many an afternoon when the work world was buzzing with BS, I'd hustle myself down to the defunct ASUC junk food store and grab a pack of oreos. Yes, my friends if they were good enough for Santa as he made his rounds, hey, they were most def good enough for me.
2. 'Plan 9 from Outer Space' a sci fi movie made in 1959 by the lovable Ed Wood was the Mt. Everest of 'bad, really bad' cult films until yesterday. Wood's script had it all. Flying saucers, grave yards, aliens, and humans constructing a doomsday weapon to destroy the universe. Plan 9 was the resurrection of the earth's dead-zombies, (or walkers, ha!) -to create havoc by the aliens to get the earth's attention. That all changed. Seamlessly. Last night, I watched Robert Rodriguez's, 'From Dusk till Dawn' scripted by QT and released in 1996. Geezuz, Mary and Joseph. Rampaging shark jumping . George Clooney (who would probably like to incinerate this film) and QT are the Gecko bros who rob banks, murder and pillage their way to Mexico kidnapping Harvey Keitel, a preacher, and his two kids, one of them a very nubile Juliette Lewis. The Gecko boys are so bad that you just know shit is waiting for them around the corner. And my friends, it is, in a strip bar, the 'Titty Twister,' which is possessed by vampires sunk in the middle of a barren landscape populated by bikers and bad mofos with names like 'sex machine.' The dialogue, and the plot is so off the chart, so lavishly bad, so incredible that streams of laughter punctuated the footage. In the end, the shark went belly up from exhaustion. And the movie ascended to Everest. Two nice cameos by the great Michael Parks and the under-appreciated John Hawkes. Good last frame before the creds roll.
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