Thursday, June 28, 2012

Around the Horn

1. The 'glug, glug,' sound that was heard soon after the Supremes rendered
their verdict for Obama care was the not-so-good Repub presidential ship, all candidates ahoy (!), sinking like a stone, on November's political waters; not even the Hollywood mouse can save that baby as it plummets toward Davy Jones' locker.

2. Rupert Murdoch bought it from Castle &Cooke. Larry Ellison bought it from Murdoch. The island of Lanai, the former pineapple realm, with it's 3,200 residents was sold lock and barrel last week to a guy who needs an island like he needs another nickel. There is only one economy on Lanai: tourism. Murdoch alledgedly lost 20-30 million a year.  Can Ellison improve the infrastructure and bring stability to the anxious working class residents? Only if he thinks outside the box.

3. Nora Ephron. The only movies I ever saw that she directed or wrote were 'Julie and Julia,' and  'Silkwood.' The rest fell under 'chick flicks' and I passed them by. I read Ephron's 'Heartburn,' but never indulged in her blog. Who out there believed her when she publicaly named FBI agent,
Mark Felt as 'deepthroat?' Not me. But she was right. NPR as they often do, broadcast several interviews with Ephron. They were witty and charming and filled me with regret; how could I not have recognized skill and finesse? Nora Ephron. She said in 2009, that she was not looking ahead 10 years, but only thinking of today. And today meant carbs. The best bread in the history of civilization was being baked right now. Today was the moment. Tomorrow, Norah, I'm eating a donut in your memory.

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