Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Double dog Dares...

1. As a kid in parochial school, whenever the circus came to town, the nuns appropriating a stack of freebies escorted all the classes to an afternoon under the big top, which was frequently housed in a civic auditorium and not in some dusty field (which is always somehow) nostalgically depicted by H'wood film. Security wasn't very good because in those days you could wander from floor to floor (if you were a sharp kid) and one year my brother and I found ourselves in a remote hallway lined with the big cat cages; tigers, and lions paced lazily behind their bars as we ran gleefully past. I loved the trapeze acts, and was mesmerized as the chalk flew off the upside down catcher's hands. But the greatest act that ever held a spotlight under the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey circus top, was the Flying Wallendas. All eyes were riveted on the family members as they delivered the 7 chair pyramid, the crown jewel of their act, on the high wire, with no safety net beneath them! I could barely breathe as they crossed overhead. That memory still ranks as the pinnacle, the mother, of all high wire acts. Nik Wallenda's walk across Niagara Falls, last week, was as daring as one of his grandfather's, Karl, visions; he may indeed have one upped the pater familia. But, I couldn't help thinking as I watched Nik cross through the falls mist, that if Karl were still alive he would have thrown down the double dog dare.

2. The Pope. Vatican fantasy in hand, crushed the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, which represent most American nuns, stating that the US nuns defy not only conservative doctrines, but by their actions, the powerful Bishops too. Benedict wants the nuns to stop all political activity. And fall in. Uh, the time for the veil and the habits are gone, baby, gone. These are not your 'fathers' nuns.

3. Big day coming for El Presidente. The Supreme Court rendering verdict on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act. Stay tuned.

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