"Summer time, summer time, sum, sum, summer time.." Time to wander out into the backyard and inspect the tomatoes, zuchs, basil and beans. Nothing too radical altering the fruiting, so it's off to the county fair today! Somewhere in the past there was always the tradition of county fairs, but we were adolescents made grumpy by the heat and the lines for a gawk at the exotic tattooed lady, the lizard man, or the bearded lady. In Cali, foodstands and livestock reign; the hot malasadas, and meat sticks morph to funnel cakes and corn dogs. Large outdoor pavilions holding sheep, and pigs, and goats, and bovine, all aglow from arduous brushing by their youthful attendants, proud 4H owners; it was good to see that. Later I wandered through the fareway rides appreciating the G-force as a spectator.
I can still taste the pulled pork...Burp!