Sunday, the NY Times reported that the Sisters of St. Joseph were under an official sweeping investigation by the Vatican. The Sisters raised eyebrows in Rome by helping women in prison stay close to their children and infants while serving time; once paroled the women can find sanctuary for a year in one of 9 convents no longer in use by the nuns. For these acts of charity, the Vatican is questioning whether the Sisters are 'living in fidelity' to the religious life. Having been raised Catholic, and educated in the system for 16 years, this article reminded me of how sexist, chauvinistic, and completely out of touch Rome is. 1. This is still a religion which denies women the right to priesthood. 2. This is a religion that whacks the 'FE' from your gender and obliges you to kneel and kiss the ring, and confess everything! There's a scene in the play/film, 'Doubt' (the author got it right) where the priests dine on hunks of beef, toss back glasses of red wine and fire up post whatever cigarettes and cigars. Cut to the next scene of the nuns in their refectory modestly supping on what can only, charitably, be called cafeteria food. I've seen that inequity all my life. And now this? Rome needs to clean it's house of botched and bungled priest pedophilia investigations before it casts a stone towards these good NYC nuns.
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