Deja vu all over again. I think I've seen this show before only it was el presidente, point guard, cross over dribble mano a mano driving for the layup; the swish of the net, the roar of the crowd...wait a minute...dream interruptus...looking at the sea of suited white male faces, half of them stamping their feet, and applauding, the other half stone-faced and texting (I spied a lot of elected officials jamming on their blackberries during the speech..the era of hand scrawled notes are ova); supreme court, robed and narcoleptic; the only splash of color on the main floor provided by women, beacons, in a somber landscape. Staring at Barack, I tried to push him back to his Punahou years. My sister went there. So did my cousin. Both of them thrived on that sprawling campus. Yeah, Barack on a weekend in his slippas, eating a teriyaki burger from W& M after surfing at Sandy...I thought I caught a glimmer of that as he drove for the hoop last night. Meanwhile back on Caprica in the real world, 58 years before the cylons (we learn the derivative of that word) the stage is set for two families (Willie Shakespeare set the bar) to have at it. Stylish. Xtreme underground youth scene. Gay Tauron assassin. Avatars. Men in fedoras. Uh, tobacco free planet, it's not. Eric Stoltz is terrific as Daniel Graystone, the cylon pater familias. Paula Malcomson (Trixie from Deadwood) is Amanda Graystone. And Polly Walker, Atia of the Julii from the brilliant series, Rome, is Sister Clarice. Reflecting on the prime time Washingtonian evening, the Senate chambers would have been a livelier place had it more Atia's and less Dicks.
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