The forecast is for clear Miami skies. The Who's hauling ass on stage at halftime. Expect pyro and manic. Gazillions will be spent by corporate America for 1-2 minute spots; the game itself has all the earmarks of becoming an instant classic. The Colts playing for Indianapolis, home of the 500 and IU basketball; and the Saints playing for the city that knows resurrection. While the rivers of beer and liquor flow; as faces get stuffed with chili and dogs and burgers and chips and exotic glop; as the humble pork rind, a warped Proust deliciousness known to all my homies ( Chinatown, rack swinging crispy skinned pork fat to die for) uh, for centuries, but crowned the 'now' in snack by gourmet gurus is religiously consummed..really, I'm laughing...CBS, drinking the same swill NBC was gulping while dealing with the sniping Late Night talk-show hosts has decided to air a pro life spot by Tim Tebow during the football festivities. WTF? Focus on the Family, the sponsor, is anti-abortion, anti-choice and homophobic. And then to add to it's pile of steaming bull, CBS, with kool aid dribbling down it's collective suited chin, rejected an ad for a Gay dating service. Scott Fujita, a linebacker for the Saints, who is pro choice and openly for gay rights, did not shy away from questions about the CBS decision. He had no objections if the gay ad had aired, but he understood how that might offend people. An NFL player (he went to Cal) that is not afraid to vocalize his opinion on inflammatory topics is a rarity. I wish him well on game day. From my perch in front of the 54' inch flat screen on Sunday, it's Peyton all day, baby. Final score: Colts 30-Saints 24.
anti abortion ads during superbowl? gee, makes you wonder why they waited so long... kind of the same population they're aiming it. or is superbowl one of the last bi-partisan events in america?