Monday, I almost fell off my chair and dropped my sweet donut in the Temescal when reading that women's figure skating,world-wide, is the highest rated spectator sport (this includes the telly) of the winter Olys. Whaaaat? How could that be? It's a man's world, isn't it? Chicks dancing with blades on their feet, pull in a higher rating than ice hockey (let's go slam some guys against the plexi) downhill racing, or speed skating? Whose smoking what here? Are guys really peeking through their armpits at divas on ice as they hoist one at their neighborhood tavern? Or are the women of the world controlling the remote for this event? Zamboni time, Tuesday night. No Eastern Euro prima donnas. But plenty of short-lived drama. Kim Yu-Na, the young Korean star, laid the wood on all her rivals. When the dust cleared in the compulsories, her score of 78.5 shattered her own personal best record and vaulted her to the lead for the showdown on ice in tonight's free skate. If she wins the gold, there will be rioting in the streets of Korea. First born daughters, and yes, maybe even a son or two might be named after her. Hell, they might even change the name of the country to Yu-Na land. Her compulsory skated to the James Bond theme was sophisticated. Sexy. And perfect. Just like 007. If you missed it...man up and you tube those two minutes.
Today at 38,000 feet, over the Pacific, I almost hurled the contents of my breakfast burrito. For 20 minutes, I felt like I was trapped on the Matterhorn in Anaheim. Disney gone ape. Airplane tripping the lights fantastic. Did my life go streaking past me? Not exactly. I thought of income taxes and poi. Strange but true. The barf bag stayed intact.
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