1. Earth to Dominique Strauss-Kahn. In America, we prosecute rapists. And our media coverage is insatiable because each and everyone of us likes to watch. Welcome to weeks and months of sordid headlines from the jaded NY tabloids. The discreet French news agencies cannot save your sorry ass here.
2. Arnie. In your own house? There's that old saying...you never s**t where you eat. Dumb. And dumber. Chow time for T-Rex.
3. Lance Armstrong. A year ago, Floyd Landis' accusations of doping was dismissed by the Armstrong camp as 'money grubbing and sour grapes.' Last night on 60 minutes, Tyler Hamilton, an Olympic gold medal winner, a member of the vaunted US Postal team who consistently denied PED usage to federal investigations, subpoenaed by the Grand Jury and granted partial immunity for his testimony spilled it all. Hamilton emotional throughout the interview said that revealing his performance-enhancing drug usage to his family was brutal, and (clearly distraught) if he could go back and wipe out his entire memory he would. Hamilton said Armstrong and the team managers encouraged doping and that he witnessed Armstrong's EPO injections; using testosterone; and being given blood transfusions. The biggest revelation was that Armstrong failed a doping test, but was protected by team managers and the International cycling union in 2001. Tyler Hamilton was apologetic and the confessional grief laden. He was not only taking down a friend, but breaking the cycling code. Hamilton's profuse and careful use of the noun, 'we' reminded me of the famous Father Damien quote from the leper colony on Molokai when he said, 'we lepers.' The US Postal team. In solidarity. Guilty. Together.
4. Michelle Forbes. Tour de force as Mitch Larsen in 'The Killing. Forbes is one of the great supporting actors in film, and steals every scene she is in. 'The Killing,' a brilliant 13 episode series, an instant cult classic, is almost a wrap in telly land...
5. Had my own Rapture on Saturday when Shackleford won the Preakness.
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