1. Friday the 13th. Walked under any ladders? Black cat crossed your path? Change your bedding today? Cut your nails? Some people never leave their house on this numerically edgy day; for fiddy cent, and a couple of smokes left at the door the Dr is in...paraskevidekatriaphobia (I am not making this word up) is the clinical term for peeps who would prefer to shutter themselves up than venture out amidst the living or the walking dead. Your call. The Christians view Friday as the day Christ died. There were allegedly 12 apostles not 13. On Friday the 13th in 1307, the Knights Templar ate it; thousands of the order were seized, tortured and burned at the stake by Philip IV of France who deemed them a threat, owed them money, and repaid, oh how he repaid, in untimely medieval fashion. Piss off the Romans or the pagan Brits, count on your execution date as Friday. Got financial crashes? Black Friday will travel. However, illuminating thoughts revolved through my tiny brain as I walked the cemetery today. For what it's worth, there are others out there, who view Friday the 13th as a good, and lucky day. The word Friday is derived from the Norse goddess of marriage and fertility, Frigg or Freya. A witches coven numbers 13. Pre-Western civilizations gave rise to the lunar calendar, 13 full moons and menstrual cycles, goddess worshiping and femininity. The Patriarchs nervous and unsettled by the lunar calendar's matriarchal overtones, replaced it with the solar calendar. Unsavory drift. The number 12 supplanted the number 13. Surprised? Why should we be.
2. Porn in the compound at Abbottabad, Pakistan. Lots of it. A treasure trove for SNL.
3. Went looking for my favorite Donna's Tamale truck on Thursday for some of their killer tapioca. No such luck.
4. I have never walked under a ladder. I always eat black eye peas and mochi on the 1st day of the year. When having a bad run of luck, I have been known to consciously change my attire; on the other hand, I will always wear the same article of clothing that has lucky vibes until it shreds.
good stuff, pal! Numbers and luck are two interestingly intertwined subjects.